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Chinese translation for "pearl fishery"


Related Translations:
fishery:  n.1.渔业,水产业。2.渔场。3.打鱼执照,捕鱼权。4.渔业公司;养鱼术。短语和例子the pearl fishery 采珠场。
whale fishery:  捕鲸业;捕鲸场。
pearled:  adj.1.〔诗〕用珍珠装饰的,镶着珍珠的。2.变成珍珠状小粒的;珍珠似的,有珍珠色泽的。
pearl:  n.珀尔〔女子名〕。n.1.珍珠;珍品;优秀典型,精华;〔pl.〕珍珠项链。2.珍珠状物〔露、泪、雪白的牙齿等〕;(铁、煤等的)小片,微粒。3.珍珠色。4.【印刷】珍珠型铅字〔5点小型活字〕;〔方言〕【医学】白内障,星眼。短语和例子an artificial [a false, an imitation] pearl 人造珍珠,赛珍珠。 culture(d) pearl 养
pearl harbor:  1.珍珠港〔美国军港〕。2.(珍珠港事件式的)偷袭。
pearl oyster:  【贝类】珍珠贝。
pearl fisher:  采珠人,采珠业者。
pearl shell:  珍珠母,夜光贝,珍珠贝。
seed pearl:  小粒珍珠;米珠。
pearl button:  贝壳钮扣。
Example Sentences:
1.Documentary references associated with tai po date back to the tang dynasty when the district was named huizhouren . it was famous for its pearl fisheries at that time
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